Houseplant Jungle A5 Journal
Galison's Houseplant Jungle A5 Journal features lush and verdant art of designer and photographer Troy Litten. Fueled by an appreciation and fascination with all forms of visual culture, communication, and expression, Troy collects, curates, and comments on the world he observes and experiences. He also has the good fortune to be born with a green thumb! The journal features richly patterned, uniquely shaped, and surprisingly colorful houseplant leaves and the endpapers identify all 49 plant leaves featured-all from Litten's home!
Planting Trees!
With every new book subscription you purchase, you help plant a tree. We've partnered with Ecologi to support their responsible tree planting schemes around the world.
It’s now common knowledge that one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis is to plant trees. They are also crucial to preventing ecological collapse.
See our Ecologi profile & learn more